Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Stepped on the Wii this mornin, it put me down .7lbs, which, landed me square exact at 250. I am so close to being in the 240's! ;-)

I can't tell you how thrilled I am that the scale is moving again... but I also learned my lesson. Don't be upset when a plateau happens. Know that it happens for a reason, and your body knows what it is doing. Let it happen and not get discouraged. I know it's all easier said than done.. but I think I will have a much easier time with it next time.

4 refreshing comments:

Anonymous said...

Yay you!!!!
You ROCK!!!
heh-heh-heh---- I rock too!!
262... that's right baby.... 7 lbs last week and 12 lbs total..wooot!!

Chai Latté said...


So awesome !

Melissa Whittaker said...

17 pounds is AWESOME. :) so proud of you :)

Chai Latté said...

Thank you!! :-) Only 88 days till dresses! ;-)