Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week one.... again...

Hah, it's like staying back in school. I'll be the biggest kid in week two. haha So I knocked out some good push ups last night over Chai's place. I re-did week one day two. I work best with a routine and I never really got into one the first time around, so it's easier for me to just start over. I managed 16 for my max out set, for a total of 44 push ups. Not bad, that's almost half way to the 100! :) It's amazing how much your body recovers in 90 seconds. I'm surprisingly not too sore this morning either. My legs are pretty tired. I hijacked Chai's treadmill for 30 minutes and jogged for 2.5 miles. We did about 20 minutes on the Wii, where I down a whopping 0.0 pounds!!! haha I'm actually not disheartened at all about it. I know I haven't been the best with the diet. Beer carbs add up fast! I haven't done much exercise, and I'm getting down to the harder weight to lose. But the fact that I didn't gain weight makes me happy. I was actually expecting to have gone up a little bit. Day three of week one tomorrow for a better chest. wooooooo who's with me? :)

2 refreshing comments:

Chai Latté said...

Me meee! I'm with you!!

But, I am SO way ahead of you :-)

Melissa Whittaker said...

I'm still behind you. Day 2 tomorrow, of week 1.