Monday, March 14, 2011

Photodump and nonsense

I haven't been up to much lately, which explains how infrequent and lame my posts have been.  Joel is away in Florida right now.  I'm working on a little special project for him, which I will update you on after his arrival back home :-) 

Saturday, I went to go grocery shopping, and when I arrived, the store looked like this : 

Crazy!  Apparently, the power went out, and customers were unable to buy goods from any refrigerated cases. LAME.  Without any Chobani, veggies, or eggs... I was kind of out of luck.  Now, I am getting a little desperate for groceries, but I am lacking the time to actually go back!  I think it shall be tomato soup for dinner for me tonight!

Here are a couple random photos from my iphone I can share...

This is a really delicious spur of the moment dish I made... It is sauteed spinach and mushrooms, then a pile of chinese flour noodles, then 2 fried eggs. Ok, I realize now that maybe that does not sound good to anyone else. But it was GLORIOUS. 

And here is a corgi with her tookus up in the air.  I dunno what she was doing, but she was doing it well. 

And lastly, here is all the fun that is happening in the bed while Joel is away. 

1 refreshing comments:

Melissa Whittaker said...

That's a fabulous picture of a big chomp chomp going on! LOL.