Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, as promised.. I will bring you on a photographic culinary journey!

First, we head to Tasty Town! Here is where my Low Carb Key Lime Cheesecake was invented!

Step 1. Mix together some butter, flax meal, sweetener, and finely chopped walnuts. (No, I don't measure anything, sorry :-/ )
This makes the crust! Place it in the fridge to firm while making the filling.

Step 2. The Filling! You will need some cream cheese, lime juice (or a lime), and some sweetener of your choice. Also, dash of vanilla, or coconut if you prefer. Squish it all together!

Step 3. Grab that chilly crust out of the fridge, and smoosh on your filling. Plop it back in the fridge for at least 10 minutes or so, or till you are ready to eat it.

Step 4. Squirt some whipped cream on it, sprinkle some coconut or nuts.


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