Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Friday!

So glad it's nearly the weekend! Though, also disappointed. I definitely wanted to lose 5lbs before Bry got back (he gets back this weekend) And I kinda did, considering I gained and lost the same 2 pounds like, 3 times. haha But I need to get to 243.5, and I'm stuck at 247.5. Its funny how some people can consistently lose pounds every week like clock work, and some people (like me!) whose bodies take so much time to adjust in between losses. We're the same species! Why can't we have similar bodies? It would make the whole dieting thing much simpler!

Aaaanyway, I didn't do my push ups last night. My abs were so super sore, so I figured I'd give them an extra day. So I shall do them tonight instead.

I saw some pretty amazing Before & After pics on LiveJournal today, and they gave me a little extra uumph. Which is always welcome. It's amazing how much beauty emerges in the After pictures. And I don't think it's just because they are thinner. I think it's the pride and confidence in their eyes. Its such a transformation. I really can't wait to have that for myself.

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