Wednesday, March 11, 2009

C'mon baby light my fire.....

Seriously though, anybody got a match they can spare? I need one lit under my ass. I've been real lazy and not eating the best. I haven't been gaining weight, but I probably should be. :/ I did however put on a pair of pants that I've had for years. First time I think I've ever fit in a size 34 pants. Pretty crazy. I'm hoping my motivation comes back real soon, I've felt like doing absolutely nothing but sleeping and well that's about it...

3 refreshing comments:

Chai Latté said...

HEY! you just earned fifty cents! LOL

Trust me, I am going to get our fires a burning! Next boxing match, I'ma kick yo ASS.

Fatty McFat-Fat said...

We're doing kick boxing now?? oh crap... haha now we need shin guards....

Chai Latté said...

naw, strap a corg to one leg, a Z to the other. ;-)