And lots of other amazing stuff! I made out like a bandit. Seriously. Fatty got me something I've wanted forever! You'll hear about that in a post of its own though, since its food related :-)
But in the meantime.. here's a few more pictures from my night...
Mom made me exactly what I asked for.. Beef Stew with Dumplings!

Everyone was going for seconds and thirds.. and I really wanted to! But man, I was STUFFED to the brim nearly immediately!

She also made me a sugar-free pumpkin pie, just like I requested :-)

(look at Corg smiling in the background!)
A PILE o presents, ALL FOR ME!
And my beautiful smiling Mom :-)

A Corg's tookus.

Adam, claiming to be doing an impression of me. I think its really accurate! :-)

And a bonus pic, this is my dinner from last night.
Assorted fruit, strawberry chobani, lite granola.

5 refreshing comments:
I LOVE the jammies!! They fit great!So happy you loved everything... Happy... happy... birthday baybeeee. I love you bunches!
OMG! Happy Birthday to youuuuuu, Happy Birthday to youuuuu, Happy birthday to yoooouuuuuuuuuuoooouu, Happy birthday to you!
You are so adorable! And wow, it looks like you made out like a bandit (which means you have a lot of people who love you lots!). Happy birthday and many many more.
best gift ever! How fun! Happy Happy Birthday!
happy birthday! i want some footie pajamas too, now.
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