Monday, April 19, 2010

oh holy fishies!!!

Chai decided to let me pick our lunching destination today, and from her choices, I picked Fishbones, a nice little fishy place. I decided on the ...

luncheon mixed grill
grilled swordfish tips, tuna tips and two large shrimp served over a bed of rice pilaf with grilled assorted vegetables.

I swapped out the rice pilaf for a side salad with a balsamic vinaigrette. It was excellent! I always forget how low in calories most fish are. I'm really not a big fan of most white fish, like haddock, scrod, etc. but I love sword fish, tune, shell fish and the like. If only it was a bit cheaper...

In other news...
I'm still using the Lose It app. on my iPod as much as possible, and actually managed to drop a few pounds, and I'm south of 220 again. When I first started logging in my food, I weighed in at about 225. This past weekend, I'm down to 216.5. :) Not too shabby, for close to no exercise, just keeping a better eye on what I'm eating, and drinking. Now, to keep it up.

I've got to the track with Chai a couple times, each time it gets a little easier to keep jogging, but man I'm out of shape. I'm also staying really busy with the music stuff too, my first live show went very well, and I've got two more lined up for next month! Now if only I had more time during the days, to exercise and practice... :)

I just wanted to extend a huge thanks to all of you who have been sticking by Chai and I through all of our weight losses and gains, and lack of posts lately. Like Chai said, it's been one of those months. I always feel bad popping a post up on here when I haven't been doing well with my diet, or exercise, and all I've done is drink beers and gain weight, it seems extremely counter-productive for why this blog is here. Hopefully, with this slight swing in weight to the negative side(positive depending upon your point of view) of the scale, I'll have a bit more to contribute in the future. :)
Thanks again everyone, and happy eating.

1 refreshing comments:

Chai Latté said...

Thank you for this post! It makes me happy when you update :-) Keep 'em coming!