Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hello!  How are y'all doing?  I'm alright!  It's been a strange week, but it's finally FRIDAY!
It's going to be a busy day at work today, so I am enjoying the tiny calm before the storm right now.
On Fridays, we take turns bringing in breakfast foods for the whole office.  Today there are some amazing looking pastries, and bagels in the kitchen, along with an unbelievably large spread of sweets leftover from a Summer party we had yesterday.  I am sipping on my water, trying not to think about it! ;-)

I haven't been losing weight, but I have been feeling good this week.  I've been taking some new supplements (you can read about them on SG) and I do think they've made me feel a bit... um.. healthier? Not sure what the word I want is.. but I guess that is it.  I assume it's just the mentality of taking even better care of myself, versus the actual benefits of the supplements. But, it could be a combo of both!
I've been really good about drinking more water, which, as you know.. I hate! But again, it does feel nice to be doing it.

Not much else new on the diet front.  I am quickly realizing how idiotic it was of me to make a weight loss goal (my 30x30 challenge) when I can't even manage to lose 1!  I truly wanted to lose some weight before my friend's wedding, before my vacation, and really... I wanted to be UNDER 200LBS by the 30th birthday.  I am by no means giving up on this!  Ooooh heck no I am not!
But I do see that it most likely won't happen.
I'd love to prove myself wrong here! :-)

Hey, don't forget to check out !!!!!!!

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