Monday, May 24, 2010

Hey Big Spender!

Well well, that was one fast weekend. I'm really not sure why we can't work 4 days and have 3 days off! These weekends are simply insufficient! 
Something to take up when I become ruler of the universe...  
moving on...

Saturday I had training, per usual! Except this session was my very last one with Missy the Trainer. I'll miss her. She's just a super genuine, sweet person...and those are the kind of people I like to be around!
Anyway... training was good. I weighed myself when I got home and it said 214.4!  Can you believe that?  I don't think it stuck... but it's a downward swing and I'll take it! 

Later that night, I was heading out to see Fatty's band play. I hadn't seen them yet, and I was very excited! Of course we got to the bar that it was at and found out that his band was going on last. Unfortunately, Joel and I couldn't stay that late, so we missed out :-( 
They are playing again soon though (in June) so I hope to make it to that one. 
I will share with you the highlight of the night, though... which was discovering THIS HUGE ROCKING CHAIR. 

(this is one of Fatty's bandmates. I told him he looked like a little baby in this chair, and asked him to suck his thumb for the picture. He refused. But when I asked him to poop his pants, he gladly complied.)


Aaaand, moving on again. 

Sunday I woke up and headed out for a bike ride. I thought I was being a genius and decided to go over to Fort Devens.  Devens is a military base. It's really cute, with lots of short hilly streets and big parking lots. It's usually very quiet in there, but just my luck... I drive in... and there's a 5k race going on! Ha! 
The base is big enough for the both of us though, it was fine. 

The Low Lights : 
• Too many NO TRESPASSING signs. I wanna go where I wanna go, dangit! Top secret smop secret!
• There was one very steep hill I couldn't make it up :-( 
• I set my cyclemeter app wrong, so it didn't properly record my ride. My guess is I did about 10 miles.

The High Lights
• I got practice on real street, with even an occasional car! Scary, but good. 
• I made some friends!

Here's Hester the Groundhog : 

And Charles the Chipmunk (look carefully, you'll find him!) : 

• I found a cool gazebo (which was right by a pond) (seems I discovered a blurry spot on my lens too, oops!) 

I realized I am not quite ready for off roading! 

So, that was my ride! I got a good workout in with all the hills... even the ones that defeated me at least left me with a gift of sweat and burning quads. 

Then, I had to run home, clean myself up and head out to see my friend Becky in a show! The theater company she belongs to was putting on Sweet Charity. It was great!
Wish I could have gotten a shot of the gorgeous cast! But I am not so rude. All you get it a dark shot of the stage before the show :-) 

2 refreshing comments:

Melissa Whittaker said...

Sounds like you had a terrific day biking! :) That big rocking chair cracks me up!

Chai Latté said...

thanks! It was not my fave bike ride so far.. but it was nice enough!

That chair kills me, too! I am def gonna sit in it next time!